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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cheap accessory guide: lenspen

In the accessories articles thread, I started to write about cheap accessories with the lens cap clip. While this is a very useful tool, it is no lenspen.

Lenspen is the accessory one must have if they are a camera user. It is a super effective cleaning tool which can clean your lens as well as your LCD screen (if any). Not only is it practical, it is also very cheap, $8.99 on amazon by the time I am writing this article. There is a regular lenspen and several other shapes available.

You can watch the how-to video for a demonstration. I bought one several months ago and I am very satisfied with it. Don't hesitate!

Lens Pen Day 66 of 365 - Lens Pen I love this little thing, even though I am a Canon shooter and it is branded Nikon :P.   I take this everywhere my camera goes.  Quickly brush off the lens and if you get some spots on the lens the other side has a buffing disc for lack of a better word that works great.   I sound like an ad, sorry but I just love this thing.
Lens Pen by ©Jeff Golden

version française

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